Diabetic Kidney Clinic

The Diabetic Kidney Clinic provides comprehensive care for patients with diabetic nephropathy, also known as diabetic kidney disease.

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Multidisciplinary teamwork

The clinic functions as part of a multidisciplinary team, which includes Nepthrologists, Endocrinologists, Pharmacists, and Dieticians.

This approach has been shown in studies to delay progression of kidney disease by providing early diagnosis and implementation of a comprehensive, yet individualized, treatment plan. 

For Patients

Learn more about the Diabetes Clinic

“I am thrilled to be a part of the Diabetic Center for Excellence, which is the first of its kind in the region.

Our multidisciplinary group of experts provides a single point of care for patients with diabetes, affording an opportunity for improved access to care, earlier screening and diagnosis of kidney involvement, and ultimately a treatment plan comprised of new, cutting edge therapies to slow disease progression.

It is a pleasure to work alongside providers who display the same passion for new clinical research and trials that allow us to continue to provide the best possible care to our patients.”

Nayan Arora

- Nayan Arora, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor