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Nephrology Education Leadership

Director, Nephrology Clinical and Research Education
Director, Kidney Heart Service
Arthur Stach Family Endowed Professor
Dr. Nisha Bansal oversees and coordinates the different aspects of the educational mission within nephrology (clinical and research) and outside nephrology (medical students, residents, and other trainees).
Multifaceted educational environment
We are committed to training the next generation of leaders in the field, to continue to advance clinical care, research, and innovation in the field. The training program further enables residents and medical students to work with nephrology fellows and faculty to further their understanding of the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases.
Nephrology Education is provided through programs that enable residents and medical students to work together with fellows and faculty in hospital settings to further patient care understanding.

Fellowship Programs
Our Nephrology Fellowship Program & Transplant Fellowship Program train future leaders in academic medicine, outstanding physician-scientists, and exceptional clinical nephrologists.

Subspecialty training for residents and medical students is provided through the Nephrology Service at UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, and the Puget Sound VA.

Our division facilitates a variety of grand rounds, conferences, and clinical discussions for our doctors to continue to specialize and grow to best care for our patients.
UW Graduate medical education
University of Washington Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) oversees and provides support to the residency and clinical fellowship training program, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), as well as other post-graduate training programs.
The GME Office is dedicated to providing residents and fellows with the best educational experience possible and a positive work environment.