
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Space needle over lake union

The Division of Nephrology is committed to increasing the recruitment, retention and advancement of faculty, fellows and residents from groups under-represented in medicine as well as to promote an inclusive environment and a diversity of learning opportunities across the division.

Space needle over lake union
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 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Champions

Faculty member Dr. Yue-Harn Ng serves as the Nephrology Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Champion on the Department of Medicine Diversity Council.

The DOM Diversity Council was established in 2014 to report and guide how to increase and sustain diversity in faculty, training programs, and staff.

The champions represent faculty and staff perspectives and help guide current priorities, which include increased opportunities and promoting diversity in recruitment efforts, increasing underrepresented in medicine (URiM) retention and intentionality in preparing URiM faculty/staff for future leadership roles, and establishing best practices and nurturing EDI committees and activities within the department as well as the division.

This work is critically tied to one tenet of the DOM Strategic Plan: to nurture a supportive, collaborative culture where EDI is at the center.

 Women in Nephrology


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The spotlight subtitle goes here.

Women in Nephrology gathering

UW Medicine Women in Nephrology (WIN)

WIN was founded in 1983 to develop and provide mentors to women in Nephrology. As a national organization, WIN advocates within the nephrology community for education and research relevant to women. WIN members at UW Medicine recently gathered to provide career and social support for one another.


Efforts to enhance diversity 

The UW Division of Nephrology is spearheading efforts to enhance diversity in medicine by partnering with the School of Medicine and the Department of Medicine to recruit and support students, fellows, and faculty from groups under-represented in medicine.

Within the UW Nephrology Fellowship Program, our Diversity Enhancement Committee reviews all applicants who self-identify as being from an under-represented minority (URM) group. The committee includes Dr. Rudy Rodriguez, UW Vice-Chair of Medicine, and Dr. Bessie Young, UW Medical Director and Associate Dean for Healthcare Equity. 

We identify individuals with disabilities and those from disadvantaged backgrounds through their personal statements on the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). We encourage applicants to discuss their life experiences and unique backgrounds.

Health disparities research in kidney diseases

Nephrology is leading an effort to build a core group of researchers who focus on health disparity research in kidney diseases.

Drs. Young and Rodriguez are members of the NIH Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI). Dr. Ann O’Hare and Dr. Yoshio Hall both study the metadata to examine racial disparities in health services related to chronic and end-stage kidney diseases. 

Video: Equity in Kidney Disease

Resources to support diversity 

The University of Washington offers access to myriad resources to support a diverse and inclusive training and practice environment.


Department of Medicine Diversity Resources

Nephrology faculty are active in many of the Dept. of Medicine's diversity initiatives and councils including the Diversity Council, LGTQ+ Council, and Gender Equity Council.

Dept. of Medicine Faculty Mentoring

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September 30, 2024
Perspective of a bipolar physician and his program director
Nephrology research fellow Justin Bullock and his program director Cary Paine wrote about surviving medical training and ways a training program can support a trainee with mental illness.
September 24, 2024
DEI Lecture Series
Please join us for our next DEI Lecture Series, “A Conversation with the Equal Justice Initiative's Health Clinic Team," on Oct. 16, 2024.
September 20, 2024
Residential Segregation and Health Outcomes: The Impact on the Hispanic/Latino Population
Dr. Rudy Rodriguez will give the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Director's Seminar on Oct. 3, 2024.